Key Takeaways
- Loper Bright and Corner Post open doors to more tax regulations challenges.
- "most IRS interpretations are not all that controversial and don’t give rise to extensive litigation.”
- Presidential immunity decision - will that enable a President to weaponize the IRS?
- IRA prevailing wage documentation rules remain stringent.
- Pillar 1 international tax deadline passes.
- Man asks IRS for $4 million, gets it. Hilarity does not ensue.
- Independence Day; World UFO Day.
Eide Bailly offices are closed the rest of this week for the Independence Day holiday. Regular programming resumes July 8. Have a glorious 4th!
Supreme Court Opens Door to APA Challenges of Older Tax Regs - Kristen Parillo, Tax Notes ($):
In a 6-3 decision in Corner Post Inc. v. Federal Reserve, the Court on July 1 reversed and remanded a 2022 Eighth Circuit ruling on the point at which a right of action for bringing APA facial claims against final agency rules starts accruing for purposes of the general six-year statute of limitations on civil actions against the United States under 28 U.S.C. section 2401(a).
“A claim accrues when the plaintiff has the right to assert it in court — and in the case of the APA, that is when the plaintiff is injured by final agency action,” Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in the majority opinion.
As long as there are taxpayers newly-affected by an old regulation, challenges may be possible. That may matter more because of the other big new administrative law holding from the court, last week's Loper Bright ruling.
IRS Rulemaking Authority on Shaky Ground With Chevron Overturned - Erin Slowey and Chris Cioffi, Bloomberg ($):
The ruling is expected to prompt a stream of litigation in areas—ranging from syndicated conservation easements to health insurance subsidies—where the IRS and Treasury Department stretched their regulatory authority and already are facing court challenges.
But that doesn't mean the IRS is toast:
Prof. Hickman says that regulations that passed court scrutiny before Loper Bright are likely to do so now.
High Court's 1-2 Punch Sets Up Long-Standing Regs For KO - Jeff Overley, Law360 Tax Authority ($):
"Corner Post opens the door to a fresh round of litigation challenges to agency regulations," Covington & Burling LLP partner Kevin King told Law360 on Monday. "That procedural opening is a particularly big deal when combined with Loper Bright, because regulated parties will now be able to challenge some older regulations under the new, more stringent and less-agency-friendly framework."
The Supreme Court Pronounces the Demise of Deference - Jack Townsend, Federal Tax Procedure. "The Court recognizes that Congress can delegate interpretive authority to an agency. See Opinion of the Court pp. 17-18. The delegation of authority cannot be an implicit one such as Chevron deference implicit assumption as a justification for deference. (Some such delegations may go beyond merely interpretive authority and be legislative authority for the agency to actually make the law rather than just interpret the law.) Surely, in such cases where a court will recognize a congressional delegation of interpretive authority, something like a Chevron deference framework will necessarily apply to test the validity of the agency interpretation."
Immunity Ruling Sparks Concern on Audits Requested by Presidents - Benjamin Valdez, Tax Notes ($):
The decision raised questions about what constitutes an official act and whether it could open the door to abuses of power by federal agencies, including the IRS.
It is a felony for the president, vice president, or any of their employees — except the attorney general — to direct the IRS to audit a taxpayer or cancel an audit.
IRS requires strict IRA documentation; gets ready to accept plastic.
We’re All Labor Lawyers Now: Decoding the Final Prevailing Wage Regs - Marie Sapirie, Tax Notes ($):
Related: How the Inflation Reduction Act is Boosting Energy Efficiency Incentives
IRS Floats Taking Tax Payments Directly By Credit Card - Anna Scott Farrell, Law360 Tax Authority ($):
In a notice of proposed rulemaking, the Internal Revenue Service proposed amending U.S. Treasury Regulation Section 301.6311-2 to implement changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by the Taxpayer First Act in 2019. The act lifted a bar prohibiting the IRS from paying fees related to receiving payments by credit or debit card.
California apportionment and tiered partnerships
California Taxed Right Share of Business Income, Panel Rules - Perry Cooper, Bloomberg ($):
The state determined that $80.3 million of the $85.5 million was business income subject to apportionment, and used the 10% apportionment percentage to determine that Blau had additional California-source income of $8.08 million for the 2011 tax year, resulting in an additional income tax assessment of $650,000, plus interest.
The three-judge panel rejected Blau’s argument that his net gain business income should be apportioned to California using TRC’s apportionment factor of 9.25% instead.
Related: Eide Bailly State & Local Tax Services.
Pillar 1 OECD deadline ignored
OECD Tax Chief Affirms Pillar 1 Progress As Deadline Passes - Dylan Moroses, Law360 Tax Authority ($):
For the Amount A taxing right to take effect, which reallocates a share of tax payments to countries where large multinational corporations have customers but lack a physical presence, the U.S. must sign and ratify a multilateral convention. The U.S. treaty process requires a two-thirds vote in the Senate to provide advice and consent regarding the convention to the executive branch, which is responsible for executing the treaty. Legislative changes to implement the taxing rights overhaul that require House of Representatives and Senate approval would likely also be necessary.
Getting two-thirds of the Senate to approve ceding taxing rights to other countries may be difficult, to say the least.
Related: Eide Bailly International Tax Services.
Blogs and Bits
July tax moves, from shopping to decluttering to getting storm ready - Kay Bell, Don't Mess With Taxes. "Get ready for disastrous weather. Even though I’m a weather nerd, and forecasters warned that this could be the busiest Atlantic hurricane season ever, I hadn’t planned on this being the first July tax move. But it’s looking like weather watchers might be right, so here we are."
IRS Reminds Cannabis Businesses That IRC §280E Continues to Apply as Marijuana Remains a Schedule I Drug for Now. - Ed Zollars, Current Federal Tax Developments. "The IRS has released IR-2024-2024-177 reminding taxpayers that marijuana remains a Schedule I substance for now, and that IRC §280E continues to apply until such time as the drug is removed from that schedule when and if the Justice Department finalizes the proposed rule."
Sec. 280E allows businesses selling Schedule I drugs to only deduct cost of goods sold. That means wages, rents, taxes, and other business expenses outside of inventory purchases are non-deductible.
National Taxpayer Advocate Releases Fiscal Year 2025 Objectives Report to Congress - Erin Collins, NTA Blog. "Now, the not good news: Despite these improvements, the IRS has fallen behind on processing Identity Theft Victim Assistance cases. As of April 2024, there were approximately 500,000 unresolved cases in inventory that the IRS was taking more than 22 months to resolve, followed by several additional weeks to issue refunds. The IRS must prioritize assistance for these victims and address their problems quickly. Other challenges remain with the way the IRS allocates its resources, the Level of Service it provides through phone lines, and the plan to transform its operations, as the report discusses."
How IRS Taxes Legal Settlements And Legal Fees Surprises Plaintiffs - Robert Wood, Forbes. "The tax treatment of litigation damages is varied and complex. Even worse, in some cases, legal fees can't be deducted. That can mean paying tax on 100%, even if 40% off the top goes to your lawyer, unless you qualify for one of the ways to deduct legal fees under new tax law."
Remember, it's Congress, not the IRS, that writes these rules.
IRS issues final regs. on reporting requirements for digital assets - Martha Waggoner, The Tax Advisor. "The regulations, issued Friday, require custodial brokers to report certain sale and exchange transactions beginning in 2026 for transactions in calendar year 2025. The transactions will be reported on Form 1099-DA, Digital Asset Proceeds From Broker Transactions, which the Service will release later."
Tax Policy Corner
Latest CBO Projections Highlight Fiscal Challenge of Full TCJA Extension - Nicolo Pastrone and Erica York, Tax Policy Blog. "As lawmakers consider ways to rein in budget deficits, they should recognize that higher taxes come with trade-offs: less economic growth, business investment, and employment. Now is the time for lawmakers to pursue long-term fiscal sustainability, but primarily through reduced government spending, not increased taxes. However, to the extent that a deficit reduction package includes modest tax increases, a better-designed tax system should be the goal."
Take Trump Seriously When He Says Tariffs Will Pay For Tax Reform - Joseph Thorndike, Forbes. "The tariff contribution to total revenue doesn’t have to reach antebellum levels to still make an impact on tax reform debates. If we take Trump seriously — and it seems clear that we should, given the number of times he has made the pay-for promise — then trade policy is about to become an important issue in tax policy."
It doesn't hurt to ask, does it?
Tennessee man arrested for wire fraud, money laundering, and making a false claim to the IRS - IRS (Defendant name omitted, emphasis added.):
I suspect cheap used cars were not involved.
It seems like it shouldn't be quite so easy to get the IRS to cut you a $4 million check.
What day is it?
In addition to the anniversary of the approval of the Declaration of Independence - which is officially celebrated on Thursday - it is also World UFO Day. Beam me up.
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