Dennis Grindle
Dennis GrindleCPA

Contact Dennis

Dennis Grindle
For me, it is getting to know our clients, being there for them and knowing we can make a significant difference in solving their toughest and most complex Medicare regulatory compliance issues. Being part of the Eide Bailly team of experts makes this a reality for our clients. It is true, what inspires our clients, inspires us.

For more than 36 years, Dennis has worked with healthcare clients across the country on Medicare provider enrollment (Form CMS-855 completion and compliance), Medicare provider enrollment appeals, Medicare provider-based regulations, Medicare reimbursement issues, physician and non-physician practitioner Medicare billing rules, licensure and related issues.

Dennis frequently presents on Medicare provider enrollment, Medicare provider-based issues and physician and non-physician practitioner reimbursement matters, at the local, state and national levels including presentations with representatives from the CMS Central Office, CMS Regional Offices, Medicare contractors, state agencies and various other payors. He is one of the primary speakers at the National Medicare Provider Enrollment Compliance Conference held annually.

Outside of the office, he enjoys time with family and friends, playing the organ and following all the Nebraska Cornhusker teams.


