Ksenia Popke, nonprofit partner at regional CPA and business advisory firm Eide Bailly, has been named to the Financial Accounting Standards Board Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee (NAC).
The NAC gathers input from nonprofits on existing financial reporting guidance, current and proposed technical agenda projects, and longer-term or pervasive financial reporting matters affecting those organizations. As a committee member, Popke will provide input and feedback relating to any newly proposed financial accounting and reporting matters. In addition, the committee will assist the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and its staff with communication and outreach of matters as they pertain to the nonprofit sector.
Popke has extensive experience serving nonprofits in a variety of fields such as education, cultural and performing arts, health and human services, public and private foundation, science and research. Her nomination to the NAC came from her involvement with the AICPA Not-for-Profit Advisory Council.
“I am honored to become part of the NAC,” said Popke. “I am continually inspired by the nonprofits that I work with, and to have a stronger voice in directing the standards that impact their operations and missions is an incredible opportunity. I am excited to see what we can do as a committee.”
Popke was one of seven new members appointed to a four-year term ending on December 31, 2025.
“The seven new members appointed to our Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee bring to their new roles diverse professional experience serving various sectors of the not-for-profit world,” said FASB Chair Richard R. Jones in a statement. “We look forward to the insights they’ll contribute to the group’s robust discussions on financial reporting matters of importance to this stakeholder group.”
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