Kristin Gustafson, Director of 179D, Energy Incentives at Eide Bailly, has been named to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) exam committee for Building Energy Modeling Professionals (BEMP) Certification.
The purpose of this committee is to review the exam standards, create and revise questions, and promote the BEMP certification to ensure that the certification is still setting the standard for high quality energy modeling.
Gustafson received her BEMP certification in 2012 and is licensed as a professional engineer in 47 states.
“I have been a member of the ASHRAE since 2007, and served on this committee once before from 2017-2020,” said Gustafson. “Serving on this committee is important to me as it keeps me involved and engaged in the future of energy modeling.”
The BEMP Certification validates competency to model new and existing building and systems with the full range of physics; and evaluate, select, use, calibrate and interpret the results of energy modeling software where applied to building and systems energy performance and economics.
This year, the ASHRAE received three times the nominations as number of open positions across the organization.
“With so many people nominated, it is an honor to be selected for a second time,” said Gustafson. “Earning this designation helps show our clients that our certified professionals here at Eide Bailly have the knowledge and resources to deliver outstanding expertise and care.”
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