Key Takeaways
- Tracking down "lost" 401(k) assets
- Truck glider kits shot down
- A billion in electric vehicle tax credits
- Upcoming Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Meetings
- Court decisions
- AI advice
Hello readers, I am a new addition to your blog editorial team and I’m looking forward to bringing you the newest and newsiest items out there.
"Lost" 401k Assets
DOL’s Registry for Lost 401(k)s Hits Data Collection Hurdles Ben Miller and Austin R. Ramsey, Bloomberg:
Regulators’ new focus on plan cybersecurity along with separate DOL enforcement initiatives is making that a hard sell for private-sector retirement plans. There is fear they could be exposing themselves to federal audits or private-sector litigation by handing over data willingly, or that they might risk that data falling into the wrong hands by sharing it at all.
The SECURE 2.0 Act Congress passed in December 2022 gave EBSA until the end of this year to collect data for a searchable online tool to find lost retirement income “in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury,” but neither Congress nor the DOL expected the obstacles they’ve encountered.
Glider kits in the news again.
Government argues that a Tennessee company doesn’t qualify for the safe harbor on its refurbished trucks.
Trucks Don't Qualify For $400M Tax Exemption, 6th Circ. Told Asha Glover, Law360:
EV credits
Dealerships Transfer $1 Billion in Electric Vehicle Tax Credits Erin Schilling, Bloomberg:
The 2022 tax-and-climate law, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, allowed car dealers to receive advanced payments of the clean vehicle tax credits to transfer those credits directly to the buyer during the sale, rather than the buyer later claiming the credit on their tax return. The program took effect at the beginning of this year.
Upcoming TAP Meetings
IRS Schedules 3 Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Meetings for July Jack McLoone, Law360:
In the courts
Geico $5 Million Tax Suit Settlement Approved by Federal Court Richard Tzul, Bloomberg:
Supreme Court Hands IRS a Win on Life-Insurance-Funded Redemptions Chandra Wallace, Tax Notes ($):
In a unanimous opinion June 6 in Connelly v. United States, the Court ruled that “a corporation’s contractual obligation to redeem shares at fair market value does not reduce the value of those shares” in calculating estate tax.
AI Tax Advice Might Not Be Accurate, Taxpayer Advocate Warns Benjamin Valdez, Tax Notes ($):
Chatbots that utilize AI to provide answers to tax-related questions should be used with caution, especially when those answers concern complex areas of the tax code or unique tax situations, TAS said in a June 11 Tax Tips post. Both TurboTax and H&R Block have introduced generative AI assistants into their tax preparation services.
What Day is it?
Its International Falafel day! Top with a sauce of your choice or just pop one in your mouth as is!
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