Key Takeaways
- Corporate Transparency Act on hold.
- Final regs on retirement of tax-exempt bonds.
- 2025 Republican tax priorities.
- Future of IRS hiring.
- DeFi reporting final regs.
- National Resolution Planning Day!
Fifth Circuit Puts Corporate Transparency Act Back on Hold - Michael Smith, Tax Notes ($):
The CTA initially had a January 1, 2025, reporting deadline, but the deadline was postponed until January 13, 2025. According to a December 27 FinCEN alert, reporting companies no longer have a January 13 deadline but are asked to voluntarily submit the information.
On Capitol Hill
GOP Spending Rebellion Is Ominous Sign for Trump’s All-Republican Government - Richard Rubin, The Wall Street Journal:
Will President Trump Change The Federal Tax Code In 2025? - Mike Sylvester, Forbes:
- The first bill, focused on immigration and energy, is likely to be introduced in the first one hundred days and should be easier to pass.
- The second bill, focusing on taxes, will be much harder and could take until late 2025 to finalize.
Trump Policy Priorities Could Push Tax Into the Back Seat - Doug Sword and Cady Stanton, Tax Notes ($):
“We do know that extending the tax cuts is incredibly important, but will require some hard decisions to be made on spending reductions in order to control the deficit,” House Freedom Caucus Chair Andy Harris, R-Md., said December 18.
Blogs and Bits
How to Avoid Costly Tax Blunders in 2025 - Laura Saunders, The Wall Street Journal:
Backdoor Roth IRAs are a clever way for savers to make indirect contributions to Roth IRAs if they earn too much to make direct contributions. IRA contributions can be either $7,000 or $8,000 for 2024, depending on age, and they can be made until April 15, 2025. But savers doing backdoor Roths should be aware of a potential pitfall: There could be surprise tax bills and complex record-keeping if the saver also has traditional IRAs holding pretax dollars that were deducted going in—as many do.
Learning from Federal Experience, Minnesota Will Soon Advance State-Level Child Tax Credit Payments - Elaine Maag and Peter Subkoviak, Tax Policy Center. "Research shows that advance payments helped families pay school related expenses as well as provide protections against day-to-day hardships for half the year. They reduced food insecurity and child poverty."
The regs finalize the proposed rules (REG-141739-08) that were issued in December 2018, concurrently with final regs (T.D. 9845) that streamlined the public approval process, reduced administrative burdens, and addressed statutory changes for the public approval requirement that applies to tax-exempt private activity bonds issued by state and local governments.
DeFi Reporting
IRS Targets Front-End Services In DeFi Reporting Final Regulations - Joshua D. Smeltzer, Forbes:
The final regulations outline the three traditional steps in the sale of a security involving a customer giving a trade order to a broker, the broker routing the order to a trading center, and then finding a counterparty and settling and recording the transaction. The IRS then outlines the DeFi model as also involving three “layers” it calls the interface layer, application layer, and settlement layer.
Treasury Finalizes DeFi Reporting Rules for Crypto Brokers - Mary Katherine Browne, Tax Notes ($):
Members of the cryptocurrency industry are unhappy with the regulations. Several members previously campaigned to have DeFi trading platforms removed from the definition of broker. “Today’s broker rulemaking by the IRS and Treasury — days before the end of the year — is a disappointing, but expected, final attempt to send the American crypto industry offshore. On behalf of the industry, we’re prepared to take aggressive action to fight back,” Kristin Smith of the Blockchain Association said in a release.
Tax Trouble
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