
Tax News & Views Evergreen Roundup

December 19, 2022

Ex-Iowa Tax Director Named IRS Taxpayer Experience Officer- Theresa Schliep, Law360 Tax Authority ($):

The former director of the Iowa Department of Revenue has been named the deputy chief of the Taxpayer Experience Office at the Internal Revenue Service, the agency announced Friday.  Courtney Kay-Decker will serve as deputy chief of the Taxpayer Experience Office, which works on improving customer service at the agency and was officially established this year, the agency said in a news release. 

Person of the Year: Charles E. Schumer: Inflation Reduction Act Dealmaker - Marie Sapirie, Tax Notes ($):

He had to get all 49 of his Democratic and Democrat-aligned colleagues on board to pass the biggest tax bill of the year, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA, P.L. 117-169). And despite months of setbacks and mounting economic pressures, he sealed the deal. For that success and his instrumental role in passing the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (P.L. 117-167), Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., is the Tax Notes Federal Person of the Year.

Reading the Clues in IRS Guidance Plans: 2021-2023 - Carrie Brandon Elliot, Tax Notes ($):

Like the 2021-2022 PGP, the 2022-2023 PGP is divided into subject matter categories listed in alphabetical order, with an appendix at the end for regularly scheduled publications (for example, the monthly revenue rulings that publish the adjusted applicable federal rate tables). The 2022-2023 PGP adds a 16th category for energy security, but the remaining 15 categories are identical to those in prior PGPs.

Charitable giving should not be a luxury good- Howard Husock, The Hill:

Providing support for all sorts of civil society organizations — the non-government groups that knit our society together — are all to the good. But the reality is that few Americans will actually see a tax break anymore for writing such a check.

Energy and Commerce agenda: More support for fossil fuels - Benjamin J. Hulac, Roll Call:

When the 118th Congress dawns, count on the Energy and Commerce Committee to strike a posture friendly to fossil fuels, back policies to support pipelines and revisit the topic of energy permitting.


Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., the incoming committee chairwoman, said securing the country’s electric grids, making critical infrastructure resilient to cyberattacks and accelerating the permitting process will be priorities...

Meanwhile, Democrats are girding to defend two of the Biden administration’s legislative achievements, the infrastructure law and the new health, tax and climate law. “We passed the most ambitious Democratic agenda in many years, and the next two years we’ve got to defend it,” Rep. Darren Soto, D-Fla., said. “Here, it’s going to be chaos.”

US Official Says Global Min. Tax Guidance Must Address GILTI- Natalie Olivo, Law360 Tax Authority ($):

The OECD's upcoming guidance for an international minimum tax agreement must include coordination rules regarding the U.S. measure for global intangible low-taxed income, which doesn't share the global regime's country-by-country framework, a U.S. Treasury Department official said Friday.

IRS distributed over $642B in 2022, despite backlogs and refund delays - Michael Cohn, Accounting Today ($):

The Internal Revenue Service reported this week it received more than $4.9 trillion in tax revenue in fiscal year 2022, and distributed $642 billion in federal tax refunds and other outlays, but a separate report Friday found continuing problems with taxpayer service, tax refund delays and backlogs of unprocessed returns that the IRS plans to address for next filing season.

POLITICO Playbook: Closing time for the Jan. 6 committee - Rachel Bade, Eugene Daniels and Ryan Lizza, Politico. "WHAT A WEEK — Monday: The House Jan. 6 select committee meets at 1 p.m. to vote on its final report and possible criminal referrals against DONALD TRUMP."

Enjoy the beauty whether you choose to enjoy a tree inside or out! Look for an Evergreen Day.


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