government pillars upward view

2024 Government Updates Webinar Series

Join us for our 2024 webinar series with sessions scheduled throughout the year. Attending these webinars will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the latest Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) updates and implementation strategies, as well as issues affecting governments, best practices, and pitfalls to avoid.

Governing the Future: Digital Transformation and Smart Contracts in Public Service

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 | 12 - 2 p.m. CT

This presentation will explore the transformative impact of digital technologies within the public sector, emphasizing how digital transformation can revolutionize government operations, enhance citizen engagement, and strengthen policy outcomes. It will provide a look at the strategic implementation of smart contracts, leases, and grants, showcasing their potential to automate processes, secure data, and foster transparency in governmental transactions.

Gerry Boaz, CPA, CGFM, CGMA, Director | Eide Bailly
Eric Berman, CPA, CGMA, Partner | Eide Bailly
Adam Hanel, Principal | Eide Bailly

Intersection of Recruitment, Retention, Leadership Development, and Change Management in the Financial Sector

Thursday, November 21, 2024 | 12 - 2 p.m. CT

Businesses continue to face pressure to recruit top talent, retain high-performing employees, develop effective leaders, and navigate transformative changes. Addressing the intersection of these workplace dynamics is the key to driving growth and enduring changes in response to the shifting landscape in the financial sector.

Bryn Harari, Ph.D., Director | Eide Bailly
Gerry Boaz, CPA, CGFM, CGMA, Director | Eide Bailly
Eric Berman, CPA, CGMA, Partner | Eide Bailly

GASB Update: Escaping the Maze and Charting the Path Ahead

Tuesday, December 17, 2024 | 12 - 2 p.m. CT

This presentation encapsulates the pivotal updates and revisions introduced by the GASB over the past year. It highlights the key changes in accounting and financial reporting standards that impact state and local governments, focusing on the implications for financial reporting and compliance. Attendees will gain insights into the latest GASB pronouncements, exposure drafts, and guidance documents that shape the landscape of governmental accounting. The session aims to equip government employees with the knowledge to enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency in public sector financial management.

Gerry Boaz, CPA, CGFM, CGMA, Director | Eide Bailly
Eric Berman, CPA, CGMA, Partner | Eide Bailly

Miss any of our webinars? Recordings are available below.

CPE credit will only be granted to those that attend the live webinar. CPE credit will not be available for watching the recording or on-demand webinar.

Date Title
August 29, 2024 Subrecipient Monitoring: The What, Where, When, and Why
June 20, 2024 Getting Ready for June 30th: Closing a Fiscal Year and GAAP You Need to Know
May 7, 2024 GASB-101 and GASB-103 —
Getting Ready for Compensated Absences and Financial Reporting Model Improvements
April 3, 2024 Engagement Buffet: What Will You Choose?
February 20, 2024 What is an Accounting Change vs. an Error? – Implementing GASB-100
December 5, 2023 Eide Bailly 2023 Year – End Governmental Update
November 14, 2023 States and Local Governments Have Risks
October 27, 2023 Best Practices for Public Sector ERP Modernization Initiatives
September 14, 2023 How States and Local Governments Can Take Advantage of Energy Credits
June 12, 2023 June 30th is Coming Quick – Is Your Government Ready?
April 6, 2023 GASB Public Retirement Plan Update
February 15, 2023 GASB 87, 94 and 96 An Intro and Comparison
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